What It Means To Be The #1 Organic Coffee
Coffee TalkWe aren’t here to flaunt our awards, though, (even though it is pretty fun), but rather to highlight how being Organic is something that is vital to our company, and should be something that is vital to you. It is part of our values to protect the future of coffee, and to provide safe and sustainable brews to our favorite people on Earth (you), so that we can all keep sluggin mugs for years to come.
Why Organic Matters To Us
DID YOU KNOW: coffee is the second most consumed commodity in the world. Not only does this verify that coffee is a gift to all of humankind, but it also means that farming methods have rapidly developed to maximize production with heavily chemically treated crops – which can be harmful to consumers and the environment.Being USDA Organic Certified is a huge deal to us, and something we do not take lightly. This is because being USDA Organic Certified means that we ensure our coffee is being made using ONLY environmentally friendly and sustainable farming practices. Not only that, but it also guarantees that there is no use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers. Alternatively, organic coffee farms will use natural methods, such as composting, crop rotation, and the use of beneficial insects to maintain soil fertility and control various pests.
Why Organic Should Matter To You
If coffee is the center of your universe, there are many reasons why you should care that your coffee is organic.
Coffee is one of the most chemically treated plants produced, meaning non-organic coffee is drenched in chemicals. These pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and fungicides were determined by various studies to cause cancer and damage to the reproductive and nervous systems.
100% USDA Certified Organic coffee contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants needed by the body for several health benefits, such as protection from cell damages and boosting the immune system. Pure organic caffeine in strong coffee acts as an energy booster and enhances proper functioning of the brain.
Coffee plants thrive in the shade, meaning these organic coffee trees end up adding benefits to the ecosystem. They aid in the conservation of wildlife, birds, vegetation and the prevention of soil erosion and diseases. Unlike conventional coffee, organic coffee does not promote deforestation.
Delicious coffee is a direct result of the soil it’s grown in. Planting organic coffee trees in soil rich in natural chemical-free soils ensures you taste nothing but pure coffee.
Often farmers who produce certified organic coffee are Fair Trade compliant, which guarantees a higher pay rate to employees.
Being USDA Certified Organic is something we are extremely proud of, because something you drink every day needs to be clean. Better taste. Better for you. Better for the planet.
*Source: SPINS, TOTAL US MULO, Dollar Sales, L52W, W/E 5/19/24