5 Reasons Why You Should Drink Organic Coffee
Coffee TalkThe Importance of Drinking Organic Coffee
Did you know coffee is the second most popular beverage after water? It also happens to be the second top-selling product in the world after oil. There’s no doubt about it—coffee makes the world spin. Whether you drink it to wake up from the dead or down a mug (or three) before heading off to your night shift, it’s a key ingredient to living your boldest life.
This is why it's important that the coffee you purchase is not only Fair Trade, but organic as well. Coffee that is grown organically, like Death Wish Coffee, is rich in flavor and free of chemicals. Research has even shown that organic coffee offers several benefits for your health, the environment and for the farmers who grow it.
[Photo Credit: Rodrigo Flores via Unsplash]
1. Chemical Free
Coffee is one of the most chemically treated plants produced, meaning non-organic coffee is drenched in chemicals. These pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and fungicides were determined by various studies to cause cancer and damage to the reproductive and nervous systems. Conventional or traditional plants grown using these methods pass the chemicals into the body and deposit them in body fats.
2. Health Benefits
100% USDA Certified Organic coffee contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants needed by the body for several health benefits, such as protection from cell damages and boosting the immune system. Pure organic caffeine in strong coffee acts as an energy booster and enhances proper functioning of the brain.
3. Sustainability
Coffee plants thrive in the shade, meaning these organic coffee trees end up adding benefits to the ecosystem. They aid in the conservation of wildlife, birds, vegetation and the prevention of soil erosion and diseases. Unlike conventional coffee, organic coffee does not promote deforestation.
4. Taste Factor
Delicious coffee is a direct result of the soil it’s grown in. Planting organic coffee trees in soil rich in natural chemical-free soils ensures you taste nothing but pure coffee.
5. Farmer Benefits
Often farmers who produce certified organic coffee are Fair Trade compliant, which guarantees a higher pay rate to employees.
Organic arabica coffee beans (including the soil where the beans grow) that are free of residues, chemicals and artificial fertilizers are certified three times to guarantee high quality to consumers. These are Quality Assurance, Fair Trade, and Smithsonian Institution organic certifications.
When you're brewing a pot at home, make sure you’re drinking the good stuff. Because every time you buy trademarks with organic labels, you become part of a global movement devoted to raising the standards of living for farmers in developing nations.
[Featured Image Credit: Delightin Dee via Unsplash]
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